![]() In Acts 2, the Spirit came, not because the believers prayed, but because the day of Pentecost had come, the day appointed for the “birthday of the church” (Lev. 23:15–21). The Holy Spirit baptized the believers into one body (1 Cor. 12:13) so that they had a living connection with their Head exalted in heaven. Luke 2 describes the birth of the Lord’s physical body and Acts 2 the birth of His spiritual body. Tongues as of Fire… like a blaze substance divided and distributed itself into one stream per individual, coming to rest on each person. The fire, much like the Pillar of Fire, the Burning Bush, and on the Ark of the Covenant, represents God’s Presence. These 120 believers, heard a mighty sound, saw tongues of Fire, and began to speak in other languages… other dialects (Greek: Other “heteros” tongues/languages “dialektos”). This experience clarified the Tower of Babel experience in Genesis 11. “Speaking in tongues” has a long history in Pagan Worship. Various sects practiced a form of “ecstatic utterances,” or Babel with frenzied emotional expression in their worship. However, these believers spoke in different dialects where everyone present could understand in their own language. This was not some “Heavenly Language” or salvation determinant. And, onlookers regarded this supernatural event as unique, and as a miraculous gift of God, for a specific ministry… to communicate the Gospel. The Holy Spirit also filled the believers and empowered them for witness, to amaze and astonish for the Glory of God. He gave Peter insight into the Word and the ability to show men Christ in the Word. The Spirit used the witness of the church to convict the lost, just as Jesus said He would do in Luke 16. But, the same Holy Spirit assisted the believers in their church fellowship (vv. 40–47). The original group was outnumbered by the new believers, but there was still harmony in the church family. The church grew from 120 to 3,120 in one day. They worshiped daily and witnessed daily, and “the Lord added to the church daily” (v. 47). Is your experience with the Lord a daily one? The ministry of the Holy Spirit has three major purposes: 1.Convict the world concerning Sin, Righteousness, and Judgement. (John 16:11) 2.Continue Christ’s Earthly Ministry: Teaching and reminding us of Truth; Guiding, Encouraging, Calling and Sending into ministry; and Interceding with Jesus. (John 16; Acts 13) 3.Gifts the Members of the Body of Christ with Spiritual Abilities and Manifests the Character of Christ (Fruit of the Spirit) in and through them. (Eph. 4; Gal. 5) Two Truths that Emerge from Acts 2: 1.When God is at work, no one can duplicate it or ignore it. (This was miraculous) 2.When the Spirit gives power, God receives credit, not people. (This was Supernatural) People could literally talk and understand/communicate in their own dialects/language… Bringing Glory to God and with the ability to share Jesus with all those present.
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Pastor Shan SmithJesus follower, Husband, Father, Student Ministries Pastor at Marshall Baptist Church Archives
May 2020
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